Benefit for Anita Wardell
Live stream access

The cost to view this video is £15. But as this is a benefit performance for a very important cause, we encourage you to give more if you are able-visit the GoFundMe link below the event description. Please read on to find out more.
Once payment has been made through the payment portal above you will be able to access both sets on our private YouTube channel via the links below. Please note that these videos are accessed using the YouTube links below and NOT via the player above, so please ignore the message that says "Your video could not be loaded" - it can via the links below.
There are two sets to view, once you have watched one you can return to this page to view the other without any additional payment:
Set 1:
Set 2:
For more about the videos please see the information below:
Tonight, we are hosting a Benefit gig for the highly respected multi-award-winning singer Anita Wardell. Noted for her mesmerising interpretation of lyrics and captivating vocal improvisations, earlier this year Anita suffered a serious medical event and as a result is currently unable to work. Her many friends have organised this Benefit tonight as an expression of their love and respect for her, as well as to help her through this difficult time.
It's a mark of Anita’s standing that the list of artists who have asked to perform tonight is a veritable who's who of the International Jazz scene, including singers Norma Winstone MBE, Claire Martin OBE, Cleveland Watkiss MBE , Jacqui Dankworth MBE, Georgia Mancio, Ian Shaw, Daniela Clynes and many more. These remarkable performers will be supported by Anita’s own rhythm section of Robin Aspland-piano, Jeremy Brown-bass & Steve Brown-drums alongside special guests including Charlie Wood and Pete Churchill- piano/vocals, Winston Clifford and Dave Ohm-drums & Geoff Gascoyne-bass. A special evening of music for a very special performer.
“Winstone…there is no jazz singer in the country to touch her” The Times;
“Martin…ranks among the four or five finest female jazz vocalists on the planet” Jazz Times
For more information and if you wish to make a donation now please visit:
Added on 4th July, 2024