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Secret rooms at the 606...

26 April 2018

Rene and Steve, 1988

Steve and René in the ruins of 90 Lots Rd – this is where the back exit of the bar is now.
Please note that there is no ceiling – what is now the courtyard was a big gaping hole...

For me the building of the club and the subsequent opening in Lots Rd was possibly the most exciting time of my 10 years at the 606. From hacking away the plaster to digging down to the sewers, pulling down ceilings to laying cement floors and buying kitchen equipment to opening night, it seemed incredible that we managed to transform a hole in the ground into a jazz club. Not without hitches and setbacks we somehow got it all done. A little anecdote: Leszek Novitzky, our architect, was showing us plans for (what is now) the cash desk and office. I noticed that there was a mezzanine level on the drawing, and I asked Leszek what it was. He said:         ” That’s the fornicatorium.” I said:“Fornicatorium? What’s that?” He said: “Well René, you are a jazz club manager, you will need a fornicatorium!” Sadly, the fornicatorium was never built....

- René Wolf (at the club from 1983 – 1993)

© Copyright 606 Club 2024

606 Club
90 Lots Road
SW10 0QD

020 7352 5953