Paul Stacey Band
““Stacey’s…brilliant guitar work””
It's fair to say the Paul Stacey Band has established legendary status amongst 606 regulars. An impressive guitarist Paul showed his versatility early on when he combined work with the likes of jazz vocalist Claire Martin with appearances with the likes of Oasis, working with Noel Gallagher on various projects both as a musician and producer as well as playing guitar with the Black Crowes, Chris Robinson and the Finn Brothers. These days a well-respected producer and recording engineer as well as a master guitarist Paul is considered to be one of the UK's leading musicians. As well as Paul’s searing Rock/Blues guitar it also features the remarkable singer John Hogg, who has toured the US and Europe with Magpie Salute, the outfit formed by former members of the iconic rock band the Black Crowes. Completing the line-up will be Dave Catlin-Birch (World Party)-bass, and the driving force of the band Jeremy Stacey (Noel Gallagher, King Crimson)-drums. Probably one of the loudest bands we have here(!) it is also one of the most exciting.
“Stacey’s…brilliant guitar work” Concertlivewire